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maybe they could find something wrong/scary and have to go running back his snow fort?

He stood close to her, and she resisted the urge to bump it in playful jest. She liked to wrestle with her brothers, but Simon was different, and she felt the need to be reserved when around him. She pawed the ground as he ventured inward, strangely afraid for his safety. Only when he returned did her tail resume it’s wagging.

Mati scuttled under the pine branches, her nose poking through the needles. She reached the inside chamber, purple eyes looking around only after she stood beside the knight once again. The floor was like a dried needle carpet, while the ceiling was supported by beams, made of sap-laden branches. She smiled, the excitement of their new adventure coming forward.

Es not too prickly. she spoke idly, as she looked down at the brown needles underpaw. Smiling again she gave into her initial urge, and nibbled at his large ear playfully. Even if there was little space around them, they could still romp. There was an unusual amount of confidence in the large pup, made only by the presence of her knight. It allowed her to take the lead and begin their adventure under the pine tree’s cover.

The smells were hard to distinguish, with the air so heavy in sap and pine. But there were certainly things she hadn’t smelt before hiding around them. It was frightening at first, but she remembered she wasn’t alone, and that he would save her. No matter what.


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