and I hope you have more luck with this than me
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So sorry for the wait, Christmas has been hectic. And yes, wow this is a big deal indeed SmileSmile

pushitinThe growl that eminated from the mirror-image fae snapped Soran from her reverie, she had fallen back into the lull of her own dark thoughts, the morbid ones that she often tried to push into a dark corner of her mind and leave them there, but recently, once she knew what she had done, and what Conri had done, they had resurfaced. Hollow danced through her mind, dislocating her fingers, tearing the tip of her ear off, leaving a scar that would always ache in the cold, even to this very day, bruising her ribs, forcing himself upon her and impregnanting her with pups that she would ultimately abandon and cause all sorts of mental trauma to by doing so. The very notion that Conri could be so cruel would sicken her forever, even if he had blessed her with such wonderous grandchildren, even though she knew that he was not truely the violent rapist that everyone seemed to think he was, it would still haunt her that her son, her offspring had followed in the footsteps of his father and that she was powerless to help him. That was her second child to fall prey to their father's genes, Dhalia was just as insane as he had been, the cruel glint in her blue eyes had proven that much, and now Conri had done this, how long was it until Khaden fell as well? The ebony lady hated herself, she should have been there more, she should have imprinted herself more strongly on her children...

pushitinThe ebony lady remained silent as Savina spoke, nodding slowly at some parts, especially the part about Conri no longer being the wolf that she had known, that was perhaps the most true thing that Savina had said yet, it couldn't have bene him at all, she doubted if she'd seen him then that she would have even recognised him, even with his red pelt, she would have bet anything in the world that his eyes had not been his own, as his actions would not have been him either. She wondered if he was still the same, if he had developed the giggling madness that his sister had, if his eyes were Hollow's and not his own now, just like Dhalia, secretly she hoped that he was stronger than his red sister, she hoped that he was fighting the cruelty and the bad sides of his personality as fiercly as she would have. But she felt that Savina was wrong, if any part of him was still the Conri that Soran had known then he would not just snap and turn to violence as soon as he stepped into the lands, he would be filled with guilt and sorrow, with self hatred.
"I am not sure that he would turn at any moment, even if there is just a shadow of him left inside whatever it is that he has become he will be somewhere loathing himself for what he has done. Though I have not seen him in a long while, perhaps he is just a monster now, but I have to believe that there is part of him that is still good, that he isn't going to fall into the trap of being like his father.” The obsidian grandmother replied, her tone serious as she mused over what she now knew and what she had always known. Of course everyone would assume that this monster that had raped Nani was the real Conri, none of them had known the Conri that Soran had, the tiny babe who was so curious about the world, the carefree child, she doubted that even sweet Naniko remembered that far back.

pushitinAgain Savina spoke and Soran was amazed by her openess, after all despite the fact that she herself was often very honest and open with her friends and packmates, she didn't expect everyone else to be. And to admit to having such a secret, a monster hiding beneath the surface was indeed one of those things that wolves kept secret, the dark fae was glad that her mirror image was glad to share such information with her.
"Thankyou for being so honest with me, should I ever see him around the lands I shall escort him away as quickly as I am able, I don't want the pack in any danger in case he is indeed some monster now, which is possible I suppose, I wouldn't want him to snap and hurt someone else, least of all Naniko or the pups. And I wouldn't want you to hurt anyone and then have to live with the guilt, trust me, losing your control, even for a moment and really hurting someone is something that is hard to live with, I would not wish that upon you at all. Thankyou for being so honest with me, I appreciate that you feel able to tell me about your issues with anger management, if you ever need anyone to speak to about it, I will be more than happy to listen Savina." Soran replied, more confident now, after all Savina hated her son, not her, and she was a likeable wolf, she was honest and only worried about her packmates, and if Soran could help her get her anger under control then perhaps her son would be more safe as well as Savina being happier.


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