let me down
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Cwmfen’s black, woad-marked tail waved once behind her. She smiled at the male, pleased that he remembered her. She hoped that he meant what he said—that it was nice to see her again. The white orbs briefly caught the twinkle in his eyes as she peered deeper into them, and then she pulled out, looking only upon what the surface gave to her. That should have been enough to tell the black female of the genuine nature of his words, but sometimes the minds of females worked against them, and she let herself doubt. She did not even know why she was taking the time to wonder and notice—only to wonder again.

"Nice to meet you Adelaida," the female responded formally. She wondered what the masked female’s relation was to Sankor. The white orbs discretely watched as the other female closed the distance between her and the male. A small, almost imperceptible twinge of some hot emotion tickled her thoughts, but even she herself could not discern what it was. Inwardly, the warrior shook herself, hoping to return reason to her mind. Putting all such thoughts away, the black female took a sitting position, her black tail sweeping the snow covered earth to wrap about her woad banded paws.

She listened silently to what he had to say. The black ears pricked forward at the sound of that name. Alexey. The name of his sister, she reminded herself. The woad-marked female remembered back to when they had first met. The matter of his sister had been the reason for his arrival at the Dahlian boarders that day, and it seemed that it was so today. Cwmfen wondered when she would be back, for the name had been mentioned briefly even at the pack meeting. There seemed to be much concerning the sister of Sankor, and one day she hoped to meet her. Or perhaps she would just observe who she was, as she preferred to watch more than associate. Sankor spoke of surprising his sister, and the warrior was quick to understand what it was that he was asking.

"So you wish to join Dahlia de Mai in order to be reunited with your sister," the melodic tones stated. A soft smile flickered faintly across her maw. Family was important in both cultures that ran through her veins, and it seemed that it was so with the male—and female—before her. She did wish to allow them to join the pack immediately, but Dahlia was not her pack—it was Cercelee’s. She was sure that Cercelee would not mind if these wolves were to be permitted into the ranks, but she decided to go ahead and ask the standard question that frequented all such conversations.

"What can you two offer Dahlia?" The woad warrior’s head tilted as she inquired. There was a seriousness about her that transcended the friendship she had with the mahogany wolf. "A pack works like a legion, as you must know," the alto song began again, making the pack analogous to an army. "We’re only as good as our weakest legionnaire." A wry smile carved her maw. This was why she hated such social situations. It was not as if she were implying that Sankor and Adelaida were useless, that was not it at all. She was merely testing them, a meaningless test that meant nothing in the end, and yet everything.

War was easy for her. Kill them or spare them.


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