I was a scarlet letter

He stared after her a long moment as she suddenly dashed away, eye widened and, inevitably, completely thrown off guard. Jefferson frowned sarcastically, shaking his head and calling after her. "But I don't..." He trailed off quickly, scowling and looking at the ground in an apparently paralyzing confusion and frustration. He'd never had fun. He'd seen kids playing tag like that before, but they were kids. Not to mention, on one occasion, he'd passed by a group of siblings playing tag, but he wasn't noticed. He wasn't noticed, despite that he was covered in blood, the liquid dripping from his fangs and splattered on his face and chest. They hadn't known yet that his mother had gotten in his way, and that she was laying in halves in her final resting place in some bushes. He hadn't done it on purpose. That madness that took over when he was attacked had done it all--he couldn't remember a thing, but he was at fault. It was a common procedure. Jefferson didn't deserve to have "fun".

He wanted to shout after her and tell her to come back, that she wasn't allowed in the pack territory alone, or that she would embarrass him in front of the rest of his pack, whom he was supposed to be leading. Instead, he found himself sauntering after her at first, at least until she reappeared in his line of vision. More surprising to himself than anyone else, he took off after her, catching up almost immediately--he had been built for speed, and on two legs, speedy he still was. He realized the freedom of running (though two legs could never replace four in that feeling) and he was grinning, he was laughing. He was reaching after her with only one arm, gave her shoulder a good--almost punishing for making him run like so--smack, and he stopped to catch his breath. He chuckled to himself. He panted. He was out of breath for the first time in what seemed like ages. For a few seconds, Jefferson had forgotten all the things he balanced on his shoulders. The feeling was cleansing, releasing... and he peered up at Ember with one eye, shaking his head. "You've got some nerve," he snickered. It was all he could think of to say.


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