I was a scarlet letter
Hehe! And lol, this is my fourth table in this thread. xD I get table-bored :O

She could only barely remember the rules to this game, but that didn't ruin the fun of it. Just to be running at a full speed, off into an unknkown area...it felt good. To not know what was coming next, for once, whether Jefferson would catch up to her or if she might be able to slip away from him. If she did, she would come back to him (that would only be fair), but if he did catch her then she would have at least gotten a nice run out of it anyway. She hadn't stopped to wonder if he might be angry with her for running off, or if it was something that wasn't allowed, but as soon as she felt a hand on her shoulder the notion came to her.

But he didnt look mad. She'd stopped immediately and turned back around, ready to chase him if he'd decided to continue the game and run away from her, but he hadn't done that either. "I can't believe..." She said, between breaths, "You caught up so fast. No fair" The running could have gone on forever and she wouldn't have minded. Now that they'd come to a halt, though, her muscles felt like jelly. She went down to her knees for a second before flopping ungracefully down onto her back in the snow. "I'm kinda out of shape, though, I think."

At his comment she could do nothing but grin back up at him. "You should come to AniWaya--I know the territory there pretty well. We'll see who wins next time"


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