funny how these things come about
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I'm interested to see how these two make out. I think they could be friends, given what I've gathered from Bane's other threads. :]

     He was young, but that did not mean inexperience. She could see the age in his eyes, and in the way he carried himself. This dark man was peculiar, and because of this, she would hold his company. Mundane meant nothing to Aurèle, whom had long since ago realized that the norm was something impossible. She had realized that the day her home and family had burnt to the ground. She had realized that each time she dreamt of—
     “Yes,” she exhaled, turning her face back to the ocean. A break of gold signaled that the sun was not far from breaking. As she kept her face to the ocean, she continued speaking.
“Why do you come out to watch it?”


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