Echo, Echo.
you didn't specify which territory this is in ^^; Can it be in the outer area of Shattered Coast?

She lay out in the middle of the grasses on her back, turning this way and that. In this area the snow had been cleared a little, and she could see a bit of dirt--the perfect scratching spot. She had a lot to think about today, and she was planning on taking some time out of the day to lay back in the dead grass and really go over the things that had happened over the last month or so. She had gotten into a really bad fight, joined AniWaya with Tayui, met Jefferson and Bane...some good things, some bad things. Meeting Jefferson and Bane had been pretty awesome. When she had met up with Jefferson in Phoenix Valley, they'd even played a game of tag.

That made her happy, but at the same time she didn't think that it was something she should be doing on a regular basis. She really couldn't allow herself to play like that. If she started doing things like that, then others might begin to think that they could take advantage of her. That she was soft. And Ember didn't like the idea of that at all. The warrior rolled around a little more before getting up onto four paws. That was the answer, then. No more playing.

She sighed, looking toward the coastline in the distance. Maybe one of her whale friends would be out today, and she could try and talk to them. She didn't always understand the answers that they gave her, but it was comforting to be around them. She laughed at that thought; she was more comfortable asking a whale for advice than she was a wolf. She took a few steps toward the coast, shaking a few bits of dirt out of her coat.


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