Into the BLUE
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He wished he could have said he hated kids, that he never wanted any, that he wanted nothing to deal with them or their pregnant mothers. Jefferson still did not understand what value they had in raising, having decided they were more trouble than they were worth--this pup was proving that to be true, evidently--and yet most of closer comrades had bundles of their own. Yes, he had developed a fondness for one of DaVinci's kids, but that didn't mean anything. Iskata herself had so many of the little rascals running around, he couldn't keep track of them all. Not only that, but some were grown, some were children, some were adopted, and she was still popping them out as well. Now that she was blind and miserable, he guessed maybe the latter would finally come to a stop. She'd abandoned Zana, after all. She'd shown that children were not as valuable as everyone seemed to make them out to be.

His eye looked down on the little thing, and he wasn't quite moved with compassion. He wasn't worrying his head off, he wasn't wondering if her parents were laying dead somewhere close, he wasn't willing to adopt her. Jefferson was just a passerby, that was all. That was all, right? It took a moment for the adult to translate the child's words from their... language. Nani? Anu? He had no clue who they were, but supposed he didn't know very many outside his own pack, anyway. Jefferson was at comfortable terms with Dahlia de Mai, considering he respected the leader and the subleader was his half-brother, but Crimson Dreams and Inferni? AniWaya? He remembered Ember, but she wasn't a leader. Some pack ambassador he was turning out to be. "You're here by yourself?" He gave the child a sarcastic, scowling look, only then noticing that she was staring at him like he had four heads. "You never seen a cyclops before?" He muttered, only partially sarcastic.


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