angels in the hearts of men
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:]] <33 What should they do? I don't remember! Talk about their families? ^_^ And Siobhan kind of reminds me of Matilda from that movie Matilda x3

She was very interested in going closer, but wasn't so sure about doing it by herself. Bane had explained it, and it sounded simple enough...but she had learned in her life that simple things rarely were. He seemed like a really nice wolf, so unlike Adelaida, who she had met a few days before. "Iceland sounds like a wonderful place" She said, walking with him to the water's edge. It came forward at her and she stepped back away from it. Then it went farther away, and she stepped forward. It just kept moving!

"Zeke said that it will get warmer...that all of the snow will be gone. Where does all of it go, then?"She questioned, reaching her hand down toward the water. A larger wave came, touching her hand and submerging her feet at the same time. Cold!

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