I try my best to be guarded
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v298/ ... blebg3.png);background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:bottom">

cakeSounds good! :]

cakeThe trees were sparse, and through them, the dark wolf had been tracking a boar. He was against the wind, downwind from the prey animal, and following its scent was easy. Tucked into the black band around his wrist was his balisong -- as per usual -- and in his hand was a hunting spear he had recently fashioned. He had no intention of eating the animal immediately, provided he were able to kill it; recently in the city he had found a treasure, a factory and warehouse that had kept and mass-produced table salt. With this, he could preserve meat, and that was his goal that particular day.

cakeIn the quiet rush of the forest, Bane caught another scent that mingled with the boar's musky smell; a pack? This was the one he had noted when he had met that strange fellow in the ancient castle. His hunting expedition brought him close to the borders, but he kept a decent distance away, hoping the boar wouldn't enter the territory. He was a man with respect, and respect dictated that trespassing was rude. With these thoughts on his mind, he found himself noting something more familiar in the air, something that was mixed with the scent of the pack: Ember the Specter. She was nearby, even.

cakeTemporarily, the man left behind the animal and tracked his patient instead. She was easy enough to spot between the thinning vegetation, and as his long strides brought her closer to him, he called out. "Good evening, Miss Phoenix!" Throwing the spear over his shoulder, he smiled at her. "I've caught the scent of a boar nearby; care to join the hunt?"


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