funny how these things come about
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     At his words she stiffened slightly, unsure of the answer. She held her breath before finally turning her face to his. The darkness in her eyes was still present, though it was slowly being swallowed by the neon-gleam they usually carried.
“I don’t know,” she exhaled, and then offered an honest, though faint, smile.
     She looked back to the sea, to the bloody color that was becoming its mask. It was still snowing, and these flakes offered a faint contrast to the sky. It occurred to her suddenly that she couldn’t feel her feet.
“I’m Aurèle.” This was the first time since meeting her sister here she had spoken so candidly with another soul. This thought was amusing to her, so she let out a faint exhale of what might have been laughter had it not died in her throat.


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