Don't wake me if I'm dreamin'
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Savina was laying in bed, strangely in her optime form. Though perhaps not so strange anymore. She was using her two-legged form more and more nowadays. Luckily the battered lupine was beginning to feel more like her old self again. The help she had received from Lubomir had been more than she could have ever asked for. Now she felt confident that she would be able to keep the monster under control. She wouldn't risk letting her pack down again. She and Kansas had talked more too, which had also helped a lot. And thanks to Naniko her wounds were healing nicely, even though she had stupidly reopened one the other day.

Rising to her feet she opened her door, yawning as she did so. But a yelp pierced the air and her ears and eyes immediately shot forward. What was Nani doing holding a procupine? Oh... Rushing down the steps she went to kneel next to her friend. "Nani are you okay? Do you need me to get anything?" She examined the ivory lady's paw. It wasn't serious, but it definitely looked like it hurt.


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