i can dish it out, but i can't take it

we prey as wolves among the sheep
and slit the necks of soldiers while they sleep

"Of course, I have nothing better to do," Apollo informed her, easily excited about the prospect of visiting the library. Suddenly a thought struck him; he wondered if he might be able to find any music sheets or even more of that poetry stuff that Savina had introduced him to. He still hadn’t talked to Kansas to know how to read it yet, but he still had every intention to.

When they had first started walking, Apollo wasn’t really sure where they were going. Judging by their slowed pace and the way they had to glance to check out the buildings, he had a feeling that Ember might not be one hundred percent sure either. Anyhow, it wasn’t that hard to find. They only had to go a block or so and the building stood obvious next to the rest. Even though years of abandonment from any human upkeep had taken its toll, the regality it must have presented for the humans still seemed to remain. "Let’s check it out," Apollo grinned, heading for the doors.


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