no void to fill
There was little she could do to keep him from calling out for help though she wished that she could have. The whole of the pack didn't need to know what she'd nearly done to her daughter but now they'd know something was wrong. She knew the way the pack worked, she knew how gossip flied in their territories. Her ears were pinned against her head as she clawed at the floor of the cottage in sorrow and frustration. She hated herself, she hated everything about what she was now and there was nothing she could do to make it any different than what her world had once been like.

The tears streamed down her face as she worried at the floor, the dispair building in her chest as the seconds pasted by and the cries of Zana wouldn't go away. She tried covering her ears again and yet it seemed another voice had joined in the chaos. Her heart pounded as her nails raked through her own fur, her voice high pitched as she spat. They shouldn't have left her alone! How was I to know!" The tones became even shriller as she sulked backwards into the darkness of the cabin. "Accident.. It was an accident!" Her mind was frail as it was and the present situation was breaking down her last defenses.

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