silence fell just like a stone

Sounds like a plan ;P

Snowflakes started to build up on the young wolf's shoulders, now that he didn't feel free enough to brush them off. The other's gaze seemed intent on intimidizing him, but he was familiar with eye contact and didn't really give it any thought. Beppe's own, chestnut, eyes rested on the other as she started spewing out English that was, possibly, only a few months better than his own. Maybe there would be a little compassion there. Perhaps, because English was apparently both their second language, they would find some common ground. Beppe smiled a little, trying to strip the accent off the words and then put them in terms he could understand.

The coyote's words seemed mean but Beppe couldn't help but be vaguely amused. Despite whatever biting emotions were behind the cruelties directed at him, so acerbic, a bubbling flow of childish beguilement was starting to rush through his arms and legs. Perhaps it was these strange snowflakes, falling so playfully on his nose and creating little frosty frames around his eyelashes. The possibility that this was, really, this coyote's land, was starting to fade away, and the new feeling of faux safety was making him feel silly as well. He had not yet celebrated this new climate, this new beginning!

With a twinkle in his eye, Beppe eyed the other and, taking a little breath in as if to signal the beginning of a speech, he said, "No, I guess ve are not... very... knowledgable..." He did his best to imitate the other's French accent, and on top of his Italian one it came out sounding rather frilly. The boy's heart was beating quite quickly now, and he was finding it harder and harder to keep the burgeoning smile from finding the crack in his lips. "I, ah, speaka ze... Eetaliano." As she stepped forward, he lifted the top of his head just a little bit, stretching his neck out. His left foot was turned to the side, in order to make a quick escape at the perfect time to provoke a merry little chase.


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