What place is this?

She didn't have to think at all about how she was going to answer the question. Instead it was blurted out quite easily. "I'm not alone. You are here too." And that was the way to point out the obvious in such a cheery way. But it really wasn't meant with any sarcasm at all. She was just stating a fact. One that came out with happy tones and the excited thumping of her tail against the ground. She couldn't help it though. She enjoyed meeting new wolves. In her eyes they were all family anyways.

But that thought brought on another. "I'm looking for my dad though. He is big and black just like you. Have you seen him?" Right, as if that vague description couldn't cover more than one wolf. But then she was only going on what she did know. That was limited in and of itself. All she had was what she could scrape together from delusional ramblings of fevered dreams.


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