bound for flames

When he stumbled, there was some part of her that considered stepping out to steady him, but she didn't move. She felt rooted to the spot, doomed to listen to a burning car and a madman ramble. The way he laid out things made her realise that perhaps they were doomed to destroy themselves. Although she rationalised every word internally, an uneasy frown settled on her face as her eyes turned downcast from him. She hadn't expect to feel guilt sting up over what had happened to Meth (and subsequently the others), but it was there. It was almost absent and like an ache of hunger, but it was there.

However, her gaze returned to him sharply at the mention of Matinee and she tensed at what he was saying. Though her expression did not change, there was a mixture of emotions that flitted briefly behind her eyes. Corona was inclined to laugh and she considered it for a moment. She had hated that gypsy from nearly the moment she had wandered in. She hated her for driving them all apart and she hated her for hurting him, but now with everything that hovered overhead, she found herself questioning his request. “Why?” None of it really mattered, she supposed, knowing full and well that she would put an end to Matinee either way, but she wanted to know.


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