Geneva tried to wrap her mind around the words that came from the male's mouth. But she had to settle for the fact that she honestly had no idea what he was saying. Even sober, her formidable mind would have trouble processing the harshly beautiful Russian language. For now all she could do was enjoy the rare treat of hearing a foreign tongue. A laugh rumbled in her throat, but she clamped her teeth shut around it. A hiccup warped the sound as the stranger jumped up from his prone position. This startled her a little and she stumbled backward a step before righting herself. It seemed more effort than it was worth as she swayed on the spot, thinking there should be music playing for the way the walls swam in her vision from time to time.

Her smile nearly split her face as he kissed her hand, feeling the coolness of her piercing there. How odd! Even smashed, curiosity was one of her prime motivations. She had never seen a piercing before. She turned her hand palm up and curled her fingers under, moving her hand to cup his chin. She looked into his eyes, her own lime green ones crossing for a moment as she tried to focus on his face. "No, yoush, my kind s-sir, is beautiful in the eyes!" She looked into his different colored eyes. How curious! They certainly were beautiful and strange.

The glint of his lipring caught her attention one more time. She looked down and focused on his mouth. Without thinking of personal boundaries, she ran one finger gently over his piercing. "Is that cold, Nikolai?" she breathed softly, a soft tremor in her voice as she tried to focus. Her alcohol addled mind caught up with the conversation and she remembered to introduce herself. "My name's Geneva," she said, absent mindedly tracing over his lipring again.


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