I'm coming down fast but I'm miles above you
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... banner.jpg); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

If she had been in a rational state of mind, she would have realized that she was lucky that she had size and power on her side. If those two advantages weren't on her side, this would not be going nearly as well as it was. He was much more experienced in such hostile encounters than she was. However, there was nothing rational about the state she was in. All the wolf knew was that she faced an enemy and she wanted to rip and tear at him. Wanted to make him feel pain. Wanted to make him suffer. That and the rage was all that filled her mind.

The beast expected a similar collision to the one they had had earlier, but at the last instant he changed position. She could do nothing to stop it as his shoulder forcefully hit her straight in the chest. Her hulking form toppled over his smaller one, claws slashing out wildly with no real direction. The impact had knocked the wind from her lungs, but she was still conscious of the fight she was in. After tumbling she got back to her feet facing him. She coughed a couple times, trying to breath in deeply and restore the air to her chest. None of the intensity was gone from her posture or her eyes however.


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