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Zana's large oversized ears drooped, her whiskers drooped, even her bandaged tail drooped as she realized that she was just plain and simply lost. She sniffled at the snow that was beginning to fall as she shivered and shook. Just when she was about to curl up in a ball and cry herself to sleep it seemed that a voice called out in the great big world.

She turned her lilac orbs up to the stranger, her eyes bright with tears as she whimpered, "I's lost.. can'ts find daddy.." Ok, so she didn't lie to the lady, she was triyng to find her daddy and the clan he lived in, but she really wasn't lost yet, she could just turn around and wander herway back to Phoenix Valley but the monster resided in Phoenix Valley and she was tired of the nightmares that followed her around in her dreams and grumbled from the corner in real life. She sniffled, her little nose running as she blinked up at the greyscaled lady.

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