burning the midnight oil - p sankor
Sankor couldn't do anything but smile at the grey hued lady who walked so strikingly beside him. While he seemed to watch her more than the path she had her attention on where they were heading, atleast one of them did or they'd probably be spending more time tripping over their own paws than enjoying the slight teasing comversation. The light in his eyes only shined on when she finally turned her own orbs to steal that glance. He caught the look and a slight cocky smirk played across his maw. Why was he acting like such a yearling, he couldn't really say but atleast he'd found something to relax him this night, a stranger who was more a friend than anything at this time.

Finally it seemed that he realized how dark the world around them was growing as his shoulder brushed up against the woman's. He raised his eyes to gaze up at the sky above them, the stars sparkling softly as suddenly a flare flashed across the sky. He smiled up at the falling star as he flicked his orbs towards the woman and asked, "Ever wish upon a falling star?" He was such a casanova with his slick words and dreamy looks. So smooth and fashionable.. too bad he wasn't actually looking for love this night, only company.

He puffed out his chest slightly as her soft melody of laughter rang out and the truthful words that followed. Stealing a glance at the woman before smirking to himself he chuckled. "That it would, that it would.." he said as he tried not to turn back to meet the eyes of the woman, knowing he'd break down laughing if he did.

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