silence fell just like a stone

The boy had, really, been trying at the accent quite hard, so he appreciated the compliment. As the edges of his lips curled up to form a faux bashful smile, he nodded his head briskly and said, rolling the R more than was really neccessary, "Merrrrrci." The boy watched the other for a moment before stumbling a foot's length backwards as she started to dodge the snowflakes in what seemed to be some strange dance. A French tradition, perhaps, to celebrate the coming of the first snow? Maybe he should dance along, to show that his nationalistic poking was all in good fun.

Her next words offered a little insight into what exactly was running through her head, but Beppe started moving his shoulders to and fro anyways, as well as shaking his tail, mostly in mockery. As she crumpled beside a stone, he tried very hard not to let himself grin; it would throw off his French accent completely. Managing to maintain it, he replied, "Yes, vell, zey are awfully sharp... Ze corners, you know..." The thought of snowballs brought back memories of Milano, and the balls that him and his parents would roll in the forest. Now was not the time to think of things like that, though. New beginning! It was fun time.

He stopped his dancing and put his finger to his chin, leaning side to side to peer around the rock and see if his new playmate was watching him. "Seee, vis ze big pieces, ze balls, the edges are rounnnded, and smooz.. so, show you, I vill, so zat you can seeeee ze differenze. Here is a momennt to observe ze flakes." As he allowed her that moment, he took a few steps away from where the water reached, and began to press snow into his large hands. He was not used to making snowballs in this form, and often they fell apart, but the temperature was warm enough that they would stick. "And here... ze snowball." He stood back up, held the ball in his hand, and waited for a moment before lofting the ball towards her back. The boy wouldn't throw it too hard, of course; that wouldn't be fair for so many reasons. It was the first hit, she was a girl, and also... she was French.


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