does it make you happy you're so strange?
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She shifted her paws around uneasily in the snow. Being inside so much, she had forgotten how cold it was outside. Suddenly she wished that she had shifted into her bipedal form, that way she could have worn her scarf to help keep her warm. Savina was learning how to better deal with the cold, but that didn't mean that she still didn't enjoy it. For her, spring couldn't come fast enough. Everything would be more pleasant once the seasons changed.

Ears flicked as a greeting was called out. Emerald eyes took in a form coming towards her, a wolf that look rather similar to herself. Brows scrunched together for a few moments. Something was familiar about this wolfess. As she caught the other's scent, it immediately snapped into place. "Ember! It's me, Savina!" She hadn't seen the Phoenix girl in months!


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