Give a Damn About Falling

When the blue eyed wolfess smiled at her, Geneva felt as though she could breathe again. And she did, taking in a big breath of air through her nose. The cold air stung her lungs, but it was better than the tightness around her chest. She had approached this situation with trepidation. She had imagined seeing Anu again a million ways during her sleepless nights, when guilt and confusion fought a war in her brain for dominance. She had imagined Anu would ignore her, would scream at her, but she had never imagined the warmth of the welcome she received now. She couldn't hold in the sigh of relief she'd been desperately trying to hide.

Her lips turned upward in a small, sincere smile that hid laughter behind it. She looked at Anu's hare critically, her eyes moving around it as she made a show of studying it. "I have no idea how you carried it this far without me," she said gravely, but her smile and the light dancing in her lime green eyes betrayed her humor. She was shocked to find that this was easy, much easier than she ever could have dreamed. Geneva had thought she would stutter or say the wrong thing, but talking to Anu was as easy as breathing. Like the first time they had talked in the valley. She felt her heart swell.

She glanced down at her buck, but she could no longer summon up the earlier pride she had in her kill. She was too filled with relief to find that although things had changed with her friend - how couldn't they after the night at the lighthouse? - that things were not damaged beyond repair. The foundation was still there, a budding friendship ready to burst into bloom if they were willing to try. She looked up into those cobalt eyes warmly. Geneva was certainly willing to try.

"I did get lucky, quite lucky," she said. And in more ways than one. She smiled ruefully, dragging the buck by its hindlegs. "Would you mind...?" she trailed off, her words carried on the wind.


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