I sunk below where I swore I would never go
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wc 380

As one of his arms wrapped around her, a small wave of relief washed over her. She continued to cry, but a little more subdued than before. Savina really couldn't help it. The whole thing had just been gnawing on her constantly. Even though they had talked before, things still weren't right. She didn't blame him though. If she had been in his position she would have felt the same way. The knowledge that she had hurt his sweet heart made her sick with herself. Everyone had been telling her that she wasn't a monster, and though they were right, doing such a thing to him certainly made her feel like one. "Kansas it had nothing to do with you. I...I trust you more than anybody." To her such an admission was a big deal. With what Serge had done to their family, the girl had never expected to be able to trust a male so completely.

"It all...it just happened so fast. I found Pilot just outside the borders. He wouldn't even look at me, would barely talk." Her friend had been a ghost, just a shell. It may have looked like Pilot, but the soul inside had been shattered. "Then...when he said that Hybrid had...done things to him...I just lost it. I wasn't thinking at all. I just...took off." If she had been prepared for what she had learned, perhaps things might have gone differently. But the rage had blindsided her. Savina lifted herself up from his chest, wiping her eyes. She took Kansas' hand that had been wrapped around her, gripping it with both of her own. Drowned emerald orbs looked pleadingly into his bright blue ones.

"I know you would have helped. I know that with all my heart. But when that happened my brain shut down. Otherwise I...I would have come to you. I would." She couldn't bare the thought of him not believing her. She hoped that he could see the truth in her eyes, just as she had seen it in his that one night. The fey had made a huge mistake, she knew that. But she was going to do everything in her power to make sure it didn't happen again. She had the tools. Now she just needed his trust back.


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