And you left me..

300+ We'll end it here, yes?

Questions, questions, but it was self-explanatory why they were asked. The brown male merely shrugged at Jeff’s questions. He knew Melisande had been around, but he had not managed to meet her himself before she had left. She had led Labyrinth Glen with Fatin Kali, wasn’t it so? He recalled the leader meeting where the reddish old female had arrived, striding around as the queen she had believed she had been. Age did not promote wisdom, which was everything she had thought him, by the arrogant and mindless way of acting. Both females and the goddamn pack were gone, and he could not care less. However, it would have been nice to see Melisande again after all these years. Colibri could rot wherever she was, and should not come back while he still was here. She was to blame for his most visible scar on the chest, and he looked forward to the day he could repay her with insane pleasure.

I have not seen Melisande since we were kids together, although I know that she was around about half a year ago or so, but people leave. They always did. Colibri has disappeared as well, but who knows, maybe you will find her in the outskirts of these lands. Hell if he knew, but if she valued her life, she would stay away. Both mother and son knew this. The chocolate male gave a heavy sigh and let the expected exiting cue fall. Come over to Dahlia one day and say hi to Mew, maybe she knows a bit more. I’m sure she would be thrilled to meet a long lost family member. Oh, Haku knew she would, although he was not sure how she felt about canines with coy blood in them nowadays. It would be interesting to see which reaction Jefferson would create. Not today though. Haku shuffled his fur slightly and smiled vainly at his older brother. I’d better be on my way, my female back home has quite a temper.

That was it. Not as exiting as he might had hoped, but he was left with much new information, and it was a strange good feeling knowing there was more of the Sadiras around (as if it weren’t enough of them already). With a nod of goodbye, the male turned and left the other male behind, and by the next time he met up with Mew, Jeff was temporarily forgotten.


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