8:59 and theres a silent cry...
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... bycdg1.jpg); background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat;">

Hmmm. Interesting reaction. She seemed to think him hostile. Or at least think him capable of such. Truth was that he was capable of being hostile. Oh, so very hostile. But not towards an innocent. Did she have something to hide? Or perhaps she thought she had to protect herself. Maybe this place wasn't so innocent after all. "You fear city?" Maybe the city had been inhabited and the hate and sin had already torn it apart. It wouldn't surprise him. He'd seen such things before. Fear was a powerful agent. One he knew well.

Onus made no move to walk closer to her. His intimidation was only used with a purpose. Maybe he could get information from her. Find out why she felt in such a way. "Why say that? You don't know me. Have no reason to dislike me." His tail hung limply at his back, only swaying when the wind moved it. He was more than aware that in many place, the bad blood between his kind and wolves ran thick. Honestly, he didn't identify himself particularly as a coyote. He belonged to no group. He worked for himself and for his code.


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