We still kill the old way

Svara was rather interested in watching people arrive. With the male Haku already in the clearing with her she couldn't help but feel saticfied in knowing she had been a pain in his hairy ass for almost two weeks now. It was so great to be the burden on others. At least to Svara it was, maybe she was just a little off in socially correct thinking, but it wouldn't take a genius to figure that out. Keeping her keen green eyes on Haku she waited until the first wolf arrived in the open clearing to great them.

It was a black wolf with strange markings and white eyes. The nodd didn't do much for Svara she just snorted and looked at something that wasn't quit as unatractive. It wasn't like the pup couldn't see what was going on in this pack, what Haku did, what he was known for. She really could care a less was the thing. If you were so desprate to get a male over you, then being some male wolfs disposable was your own fault not the stupid male. The sight of the black bird that followed the wolf made the girl smile deviantly, and wondered how much the stupid thing trusted her kind. If it was enough to get out of a tree and closer to the floor, the pup wasn't sure she wouldn't go after her own meal for the day.

The scent of more wolves were surrounding the area making her green eyes watch the area the next one was coming from. Of course she knew the scent imediatly. It was the pup she had meet on the feild with the cloth around her leg. A grumble esacaped Svara's maw at having to deal with this. Really she couldn't stand kind her own age, becuase it only showed the lack of intellagance that was usually acompanied by it. Svara made good on ignoring the whelp and keeping to herself. All she needed was for the girl to say something at to say something in return, something that would probably get her kicked out of the hunting party.

When Firefly came into the clearing Svara felt her heated gaze and couldn't help but let a grin slither across her face. The pregnant female really couldn't stand her that much was certian, and Svara had no problem with that, if anything it was probably a bounus in her standings later on in the pack. Since the she wolf didn't like anyone it wasn't like she held a personal grudge against the female, but irritating her and making her life harder was beyond fun, it was a hobby. Svara did nothing more then watch the female take her place near Haku and wait for all the others to arrive, others that Svara didn't know or really didn't want to know.

The next male that arrived was of little interest to Svara. He seemed to much like the old man type. Not even giving him a first look the next that came into the clearing was a female, one that must be of good standing for Haku since he gave her a more respectful acknowledgment. Svara smirked and kept that thought in mind, she would know which ones were of little importance and of even less importance in this pack of idiots. Once everyone had settled in and was watching haku he began to speak of what they were going to do. The mention of her and the cowardly fur ball in the background getting some experiance made her growl under her breath.

She would make sure to eat alot more this week just to get even at the male wolf for comparing her to the band-aid pup. Her tail moved irritatedly as she kept listening to him. When the male gave her a respectful nod and one to the other pup Svara made not move to return it in anyway.

She liked the male for alot of reasons, but his mate was a prick in her side since she thought she had some real rope around this area. In any case the female wolf enjoyed pissing firefly off so it was of no rush to get the female out of her life, somethings were just to pleasurable. When the tatics of the hunt were set out before the mass of wolves Svara instantly bulked at the plan. He had to be kinding! When he asked for any questions or suggestions Svara couldn't help the oppertunity that arose for a smart ass comment it was like putting honey in front of a bear. "You must really hate me to leave me with Preggers and gimpy over there." She said drly with her green eyes sharp and unyeilding. "Oops that wasn't a question was it, more like a statement of dreadful fact."That was probably gonna coast her, but somethings were just to good to pass up and that had been the comment of her week. A smirk was on the pups face as she sat there in the light snow.


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