living out-side the fire
Since the attack on Iskata, the grey giant had gone very quiet, or quieter than normal. The only reason he had joined the pack was to help her protect their families. And what had happened? He had barely agreed to stay and be with family when Iskata was attacked by the one he hated. Holding a grudge was not in his normal practice but for Ahren, he made an exception. Noah flat out hated Ahren. It seemed like no matter where Noah went, the cursed demon found some way to hurt those under Noah’s protection.

The fire had long since died and the once proud grey giant lay on a dusty rug, staring into the cold ashes. A long night of patrolling had not made any difference. He was not making a difference. He had failed once again. Now the one who he had pledged to follow was no longer leading. The new pups that had taken over were young and bothersome. It humiliated him that his life had come to this: failing friends and taking orders from cubs. What would Grampa Flamethrower or Dad have said? Noah sighed miserably. Life was not what he had expected it to be. Nothing had turned out like he had expected.

The door did little to move him.

“Come,” he said without bothering to get up or even lift his head.

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