living out-side the fire
Noah couldn’t help it. He stretched out and relaxed when Lucifer played with the grey fur. Noah had always been a gentle should and felt the most relaxed with pups nibbling or pestering at him. He would never admit to it though. Having Lucifer around had been good. They were finally catching up on some much missed father and son time. It pained him that it might end sooner than he had hoped.

“Yer grown. Yeh ‘ave ta lead yer own life. I refuse ta stand in yer way.”

Noah stretched again and sat up slowly. His joints complained and he knew he had overdone it the night before.

He knew there was nothing left for him there and he knew he had felt trapped ever since Iskata stepped down. Yet he did not want to get in Lucifer’s way. The poor lad had a right not to be hampered by the old wolf. Old.... Noah sighed. When had he become old? Sparked by anger at the way his thoughts had turned, Noah stood and shook himself. Damn it! He wasn’t old!

“Does she know you ask me this?”

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