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Zana flicked her oversized ears back as the lady came closer and settled down near her. She blinked her gray lavender eyes at the stranger with the brilliant spring orbs as she pouted so as the woman have her name and asked her own. "Prwetty Jennev..I is Zana.." she said with a series of sniffles as she tried to wipe her eyes on her paw. She really wanted to get to the beach where everyone seemed to think her father lived but she wasn't exactly sure where to go. How she'd actually found the correct direction in the first place had been a mystery beyond mysterious.

When the grey wolf announced that she'd try and help her Zana's eyes brightened as she tried to stop from crying, one last little shuttering sob broke from her throat followed by a hiccup as she turned those trusting eyes to the wolfess. "weaaally? Find da-ddy!" she said excitedly, she wouldn't have to go back to the grumbling monster who glared at her with those eyes that they said she couldn't see her with.. but Zana knew better, she knew the monster could see her, how could she not with that glare she wore when Zana walked across the floor.

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