on the road to viridian city
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... bycdg1.jpg); background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat;">

Masked vigilantes unite! Or something...

He had returned to the city. He had left his pack here, but the coyote probably would have returned to this place regardless. It seemed to him to be a good base of operations as it were. Mostly empty, he could go about his business undisturbed. That and he had never been the type to enjoy "roughing" it. Always more comfortable in his optime form, an old human city suited him better than wilderness. Besides, he liked the solitude. Onus had never yearned for the company of others. He had been quiet and reserved even as a pup. This way he could devote himself completely to his purpose. If you had something to lose you couldn't give everything.

The male pulled the collar of his coat closer to his neck. He wasn't used to such a cold climate. No matter, he would get used to it soon enough. This snow he wasn't too happy about however. He didn't appreciate how easy it would be to follow him, his footprints clearly left in its surface. He would need to come up with a method of altering that. His thoughts were averted to a strange scent on the air. Mint. Masked eyes turned to take in another coyote, wearing a cape. Interesting. Onus could only assume that the mint was meant to hide his natural scent, as he himself used with the human cologne. Never before had he met another who did such a thing.

The solitary being usually wasn't the one to approach another and instigate conversation, but his interest had been peaked. He took a few steps toward the other male. "Need to refresh the mint. Starting to fade." His ears swiveled through the holes in his hat.


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