that's the hardest part
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Sorry for the wait~ And I can’t remember where they are, so I’ll place them somewhere near Oberon’s Spring

The dual-eyed Russian had also observed the pied Raven as it disappeared into the snow filled world. Yet, his gaze, she thought, was much different than her own, for while his foul mood seemed to lessen with the absence of the Dream, though it was not nearly close to being absent. The woad-marked warrior wondered whether it would ever be cleared away, whether there was an approachable demeanor beneath that mistrusting exterior. Perhaps it was merely who he was, or perhaps she had merely brought a fouler mood upon him. The male was silent as she spoke, and she knew that she was not fulfilling the entertaining potential in his standards, though it did not bother her much. They were both different personalities, and nothing at this time was going to change that. And she knew it.

"I used to think that once," the female murmured softly. "But that lupine nature moved me to seek company. Yet even now I spend my time alone." The white orbs regarded the strange Russian before her. It was very apparent that their leisurely debates were going nowhere—it was a stalemate, and different tactics would have to be used. As a warrior, she knew when to change her course of action. Perhaps she should have done so many minutes ago, but that was beside the point. This was, after all, not a life and death situation as war was. With a resolute sigh, the woad-marked female lifted the spear up once before plunging into the earth. When her grip was released, the weapon stood on its own with only the feather dancing in the breeze. The white orbs regarded the spear momentarily before she turned them upon the younger male.

"Come." It was a command most definitely, but somehow it was given in the most gentlest of ways, and while it required adherence, it did not seem as if it did. A light, non-threatening smile flickered over her maw. He could leave his things with her spear if he wished, but she would not require it. These were not his lands, after all. "Let me show you something." She did not wait for the male to respond before she turned. She had decided that a change of scenery might be helpful, and as he claimed to love nature as she did, she suspected that the beauty of the location would not be lost upon him. He was already within the boundaries of the pack, and so she found that there would be no harm if he stayed a little longer.

They were not far from Oberon’s spring, but they were not particularly near. So, once within the cover of the trees, for she was naturally a timid creature, she took the time to shift, for she believed that it would be faster to travel in lupus form. The change was easier and quicker than it had been those months ago when she had first learned that she had such an ability. Once the change was complete, she released a single, labored breath before rising from the snow. Cwmfen counted on the other’s curiosity to keep him from running off, and the white orbs quickly scanned the surroundings to make sure he was still there. If not...well, she was a warrior, after all. He wouldn’t be too hard to run down.


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