on the road to viridian city
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The smile caught him off-guard. He couldn't remember the last time anyone had smiled at him. Usually the only facial expressions he saw were ones of bewilderment, anger, or fear. The smile almost felt like a foreign language to him. Something he might have once known, but had faded into the mists of his past. As such he did not return it, though not out of disrespect. Head nodded at the other's statement. Though he had never looked for the herb himself, surely it wasn't easy to find in the winter landscape.

"Hrm," he mumbled, looking up into the gray-cast sky. What had he been expecting, really? A life such as his was not for many. It took much sacrifice. It took a certain type of personality. It wasn't something he really faulted others for, per se. He couldn't imagine living any other way though. "Why need it in first place? If don't mind my asking." Having never met another with his unique habits, Onus was very intrigued as to why someone else would do it. Did they have the same or at least similar reasons? Or something all together different?


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