and now my bitter hands shake beneath the clouds
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He froze in place when she spoke again, the fury deep within building. He was all too familiar with that fury, and he didn't need it bubbling up now. It was disastrous... it was his enemy. It was the thing he knew best. The cyclops's fist tightened and he gritted his teeth. Jefferson yearned to just be left alone to try to think things through, to figure out what to do next, to sit and muse his frustrations and miseries over. He could pull a Laruku or an Iskata very easily. He had just not wanted to before. He hadn't been so alone then, when he tried to talk them out of their depressions. He hadn't been depressed when he was a loner, months ago, he had just been angry. Jefferson was alone now, and he was angry again. He was angry, frustrated, pissed, disgusted. Unwilling. Alone!

"I am the leader on this land," growled his voice from the depths of his throat, dripping with caustic disgust and hatred. He wanted to be left alone. "This is my land, you are my intruder." He began to hiss through his teeth, now pointing his blaring eye at her over his shoulder. "I don't know what you want from me. A comedy routine? Should I start telling jokes? A musical number, maybe?" He turned somewhat, thinning his eye at her. "Or should I attack? Show my teeth? Get off my goddamn land!"


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