on the road to viridian city
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... bycdg1.jpg); background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat;">

The answer was a bit of a disappointment. But only in the sense that Onus thought he might have found someone that felt the same way that he did. He wasn't judging the younger male by any means. "Curious. Reason I dress this way. Thought you might be the same." It was the mint that had really gotten him interested. If he had just simply been wearing a cloak, the man probably wouldn't have taken any note. Many wore old human clothes. It was the apparent attempt at secrecy that had drawn him in to this conversation.

"'Justice is blind, not deaf'" Why he suddenly felt the urge to start divulging information about himself was beyond him. Usually he shared no personal information with anyone. Maybe he wanted to see if this cloaked one could at least understand. "Read that when I was younger. In old city outside courthouse was statue. Blindfolded woman holding scale and sword." That image had burned itself into his mind forever. It had been what lead him to choose to cover his eyes. "I serve such a purpose. I work to stamp out injustice. To punish those who cause it."


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