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The sandy colored puppy walked back to where the Princess stood at the entrance of this tree-cave. He brushed shoulders with her as he crouched to fit underneath branches. He was turning out to be a fairly large sized boy. He tripped a lot over his big paws, his legs were still skinny and too long. But he hoped to grow one day into a man capable of protecting the princess. But it didn't matter to him that much. He would find a way to keep her safe no matter what. He turned to look at her face. It was just as beautiful in profile, the hint of her purple eyes a breathtaking spot of color in the gloom of the underbrush.

He looked away quickly before the Princess could catch him staring. He needed to be more disciplined around her! It wouldn't do to have him distracted all day, no matter how pretty he found her. How could he possibly keep her safe if he was tripping over himself to sneak secret looks at her? A villain would surely sneak up on them one day if he spent the whole day staring like a big old dope. Simon shook his head a little, his ears flapping around his head.

Chocolate eyes caught a play of shadows in the gloom. Some light came in from somewhere, probably from a hole in the wood. The young knight tensed as he saw eight, long, wriggling shadows looming and growing. He realized, horrified, that those long tentacles of darkness were heading straight toward Mati.

Simon wedged his big body between the princess and the shadows, crowding her behind him and into the brush. He bared his teeth at the looming shadow tendrils, then found that they would not retreat. His shoulders tensed and he barked at it. The sound was loud and rang through the tree loudly.

But the shadows wouldn't fade as they writhed around them. He backed up, turned, and pushed at Princess Mati. He wasn't treating her properly, but that could be addressed later when she was safe and far from the shadow monster. "Run, princess!" he shouted and pushed her from the tree before scrambling after her.

If it had been a bit lighter, he would have noticed that there was a spider wriggling in a hole where the light came in, casting scary shadows.

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