Everything about you resonates happiness
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Cwmfen nic Graine lay alone in that earthen abode. The she-wolf had decided to dwell in her den this night, for the temperatures had begun to drop once more. The night was dreamless, and she slept now in a comfortable darkness, untroubled by the heartaches of the day-world. Her breathing was slow and level, barely audible, and the whisper of her life seemed insignificant in the dark dwelling. The air about her was soft and warm, for the heat radiating from her flowed lazily in tendrils about the chamber. The black fae’s body was tired—though not quite exhausted—for the early hours of the day had been spent in rigorous self training. Often, she spent her days thus, for it kept her mind busy—occupied with the breathing and rhythms of her body. Especially after the hunt, the female had needed such preoccupations to still her free and wild heart, and each night since she had slept heavily and alone. Having worked herself to near exhaustion, she slept even now, and her roaming heart slowed for those few hours of sleep.

The one-eyed Raven roosted in the branches above the large tree whose roots were intertwined in the earth about the warrior. The pied bird was awake, his one eye watching the approaching shadow in silence. The black bird was still, as lithic as the unmoving hearts of stone. The single eye observed what he now understood to be the Lilium of the pack, and his silent, keen mind found this approach intriguing. Yet, he remained silent, thinking only of the female that lay dormant in the earth below.

She dreamt then. The light was permitted through the fluttering of the Raven’s wings as they parted, and his crawing echoed in her cleared mind. His feathers brushed against her maw, a gentle yet urging touch that moved her to stir. Yet, through the flurry of the feathers, it was difficult to see, and she caught only the faint memory of a form and scent. So when Haku Soul whispered in the dark, the female had already begun to resurface from her dark oblivion. His whispered call cut into her drowsy mind. The white orbs opened, now fully awake. The prone female lay there for several moments, listening in the darkness. Was it part of the dream? The female was unsure, and she lifted her head from the earth, as she turned to consider the mouth of the tunnel. The faint air that came from the world above brought a faint but fresh scent—the same one from her dream. She recognized it immediately, and something caught in her. But before she could think otherwise, she had risen and was making her way to the mouth of her den.

It was not long before the woad-marked wolf appeared at the entrance. The white eyes immediately beheld the form that stood before her, and she stopped, hesitating at the threshold. Her heart skipped a beat as Fear tickled her. Why is he here? All her hard work to keep herself in that strenuous preoccupation crumbled as she breathed in his scent. Slowly, the she wolf let out a quivering breath, but she could not move from the threshold. "Haku!" the silver toned melody breathed. "I must admit.... I’m surprised to see you." Her voice was quiet, curious. She wondered what the Lilium was doing at her doorstep. Memories of her Long Nights came uncalled to her mind, and she blushed. Hoping that he wouldn’t notice, she looked away (having found that her gaze had been locked on his blue eyes) and slowly stepped out from the tunnel. The full cold of the night ran its fingers through her fur, and she shivered, for she had been accustom to the warmth of sleep.

The woad warrior felt a longing rip at her soul as she looked back to the mocha-cream male. But she simply said, "I haven’t really made myself presentable—what brings you here?" As she spoke in a deliberately vague way, the black female brushed a paw over her head an ears in an attempt to rearrange her fur. As she did so, the white orbs stole a glance at the male, and she found that she was as timid a creature as she ever was.


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