Everything about you resonates happiness
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A friend. A light smile briefly brushed against her lips ash she turned her eyes momentarily to the snow covered earth. Simply a friend? She knew that as long as he was mate to Firefly that she could do nothing—and she would do nothing. Both were her superiors and both were in such close proximity, as they all were wolves of Dahlia de Mai. Perhaps she was simply a silly girl newly come into woman hood who had shared a single night with her Lilium. She had needed him—well, the ancestors dictated that any male would have been sufficient, but she could not think of any wolf better to have been fated—but she knew that that had been a dangerous thing. Love ties were not the same here as they were where she was from, and she did not think that Firefly would tolerate him going to any other woman. And while she knew that Haku was not one to resist his needs, she thought that perhaps there had been something. Perhaps—

Perhaps she delved too much into things.

But she knew that all creatures needed companionship in some form. And she considered the male again. He was not a tame creature, she knew that—everyone knew that. His habits were no secret. His pragmatic mannerisms were quiet obvious to the black female. While she knew very little of this male, she suspected that he was one who would not approach another if he did not wish. He would not cloud things, not say things that he didn’t mean. And yet all these were speculations. I know nothing of him, she reminded herself once more. Briefly, her mind remembered the conversation she shared with the Crimsonian Geneva. Love was between two friendships. Love? The warrior mocked herself. She didn’t even know what that was...

"I could be that friend." Her words were quiet, kind. She understood what it was to be his friend, and what it meant when he had said it. The woad warrior smiled to the chocolate male, regretting that she could not have him. The female trotted over to where he had moved and sat beside him silently. She was careful to provide enough distance between his body and hers, so that none of her fur brushed against his. Often, she found that all she could offer was a presence at the other’s side. She found that such a presence meant more to her at times than words, and she hoped that he felt similarly. She valued friendship greatly, and she hoped that he would find that friend that he needed in her.

Cwmfen, however, wondered why he had decided at this time of day to approach her thusly. Would not such a request be ideally appealed during the lighter hours? She wondered if she had done something to offend him—perhaps that night that they had shared was in question?—and gently inquired as to it. "Haku, is something troubling you?" The slight Caledonian lilt danced lightly upon the cold air as he spoke. She turned her head to look at the large male briefly, and then she returned her gaze to the snow. Such a similar night, and yet so different.

"Haku, I’m—" Sorry.


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