living out-side the fire



Lucifer pounced after his father, trying to get the old man to liven up some, he hated seeing his father so down over all of this, he loved him so and hated seeing his acting this way. The male gave a playful growl after he pounced after the male. He laughed puffing up his chest, ”You’ve got at least something right. She is old, but I don’t trust her she’s evil.” Lucifer looked at his father squarely in his eyes. Lucifer didn’t like the woman but had to respect her for what she was, or once was a leader of the pack in which he lived in. Lucifer nipped at the grey male’s paws, with a laugh. ”Do you think your old bones can keep up with the trip?” He knew that his father could do it, but with how he had been out and saying things about how he couldn’t take another wild trip.


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