no sunshine here
I'm not much faster despite being around constantly. 50% of my time both offline and online is spent staring at the things I should do.


Through a smokescreen of literal smoke and fog, Corona picked out the colours and more importantly, the bird that rested on her shoulder. It was uncanny to see such a creature this far north, but oddly welcome given all that she had seen. Species were spreading out and becoming more foolhardy against the different elements. A wane smile appeared on her face briefly, before disappearing as she brushed a loose strand of hair aside and returned the inquiry-slash-greeting.

“Hello,” and her eyes started to roam the figure that had revealed itself, “the smell of smoke drew me in. I didn't mean to intrude.” Basic appearance aside, it was the mynah that grasped her attention; stark white and very much unlike the inky raven Gabriel possessed. She hovered between coming closer and keeping her distance, but pressed with the matter of conversation. “What brings you to a place so far north?” There were countless reasons, but she decided not to speculate over them, let alone follow the atypical dance of “hello, and this is my name.”


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