The Hound of Blood and Rank
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Catherine was sitting boredly in her favourite branch of a pine tree. She has been sleeping in that branch for the last nights she joined the tribe. She was reading a poem book, she was not paying much attention in it. She was more petting Seymour's little head. He had already did his patrol in the night and he was resting now.

Catherine's senses were in alert now, looking for anything different in the fences that would need her attention. Since Seymour was in his resting hours, she needed to do the patrol herself. She buffed and prepared to stood up in the thick branch uinwillingly. She was still tired, somehow...

She heard a cursing coming from down below. She jumped in surprise, just like Seymour. She looked down, her movement making the branch shake lightly and drop a few wet snow in her nose. "Stay here." she ordered the bird, and it answered lazily with a low harsh. She laughed as she prepared herself to go down. Sinking her big claws in the rough wood, she slipped through the tree's trunk slowly.

Before her feet could reach the wet and muddy snow, she hold up on the lowest branch, though it was very thin and might break. Her eyes finally met the one who cursed. The wolf was near the fences was a sand, white and gray mix coloured and female. She waited there, sitted in the thin branch. She would not interact with now. Not yet. She would wait the unknown female get in the lands, so Catherine could greet her. The female didn't looked bad at all.

A harsh filled the air, and Catherine sighed. Why Seymour couldn't keep silent? She didn't think the stranger would care about a peregrine falcon harshing around. It was normal to hear birds nearby. All she could was to wait...


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