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      Ril’o asked to have his post deleted from the pack hunt, so you might want to edit your post!

     The startled male jumped at her voice and stammered an excuse when he realized the source of his spook. Cercelee smiled sheepishly, she really hadn’t intended on scaring him (though she had earlier intended on tackling him), and the lady felt bad at her friend’s fright. “I’m sorry Slay, I didn’t mean to sneak up on you.” And yet, why hadn’t he noticed her in the first place? The male seemed preoccupied, and yet he skirted the subject.

      Narrowing her eyes at the male and feigning her best face of disapproval, Cercelee clicked her tongue, the sign she was ready to nag. “Well, it certainly doesn’t seem like nothing. It has you so preoccupied that I nearly made you jump out of your skin with a mere ‘hello’.” And then she shrugged and let it drop. Slay didn’t wish to talk of it, and she wouldn’t push it, merely let him with one suspicious glare and was ready to move on.

      Yes, the pack had puppies now, and more adults. It had been nearly this big once before but for so short a period, Cer could barely remember. This time it seemed the members were here for keeps, and so far they all seemed like a strong collection of folks. Cercelee had little to complain about. “We are fortunate to have so many in numbers, especially in the dead of winter when prey is harder to come by. The child, I don’t know so well. Flayra I accepted but Svara well... she has quite the attitude.” Cercelee remembered the words the child had spoken at the hunt, in front of her elders. It irritated the white lady and put Flayra a notch above the other on principle. “As for the adults, well I couldn’t ask for a better group to have found there way here. I need to speak to Mew of Lubomir, but I suspect that his prescience is welcomed by our friend the Ilex. Those siblings of Alexey seem fine enough but really I’ve only had the chance to get to know Ril’o. He’s quite the charmer though, very friendly. I think you’d get along well with him, I’ve spent a while showing him the ropes of our pack and I think he’ll fit in quite nicely.” Cercelee hadn’t meant to speak so much more of Ril’o than the other wolves, but she had spent more time with them than the others and he had quickly made himself worthy of notice and friendship to the Rosea.


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