chains that bind
The bird irritated DaVinci, probably because of the fact that he'd never taken one of the creatures as an assistance when he'd lived in Ireland, but even then he never had much liking with animals he'd rather eat than cuddle. The lifestock in Phoenix Valley was viewed in much the same way, even more since he was reminded on a daily basis that they were food. He might see one or two packmates make friends of the lifestock of sorts but it didn't seem to last long when they realized that their friends would soon be food.

His eyes turned back to t he woman when she presented him with information that was more enjoyable than the thoughts he was having on her pet of sorts. Questioned on why he was there he just scowled once more as he answered bluntly "This tribe is newly settled in these lands, do you think no one would wonder who's moved into the territory?" He wrinkled his nose at the lady as he watched her set the bird lose again, his eyes followed the flight of the creature before continuing. "As well, we've lost a child and have been checking with the other packs in the area to see if she's been found." So not the whole of the pack even knew the child was lost, but most did and they were searching for the girl, DaVinci's guilt had made the search more of a personal quest than the others thought on it though.

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