Peter Piper [Halifax]

Amber, any way we could get a Conri/Nani/Anu thread??

Who would come to take her away? Never in her short life had she wanted to disappear so much. Nothing about it made any sence, but then to Mati there was so many things she didn’t know yet. A father was something as seemingly pointless as an uncle, cousin or any other of those relatives that she knew she had but didn’t understand why she had them. The word father had never been explained to her before, and so it was as irrelevant as the ground she stood on.

What she did know was, this wolf Conri Church was certainly something to afraid of. Mati was one to believe every word that her mothers spoke, there was no reason not to believe them. But it was time to disagree. The rusty male may have been her father, but there was no trust felt for him. Even if they shared last names.

The biggest indication was Haven, violet eyes spied him from their corners. He was giving ground, and keeping his mouth shut even though they had both been asked a direct question. He would know, better then she would, who to and not to trust.


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