I throw my toys around
http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g210/ ... able-1.png);background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;">

She was able to blend into the snow pretty well, but it didn't help Siobhan as much as one might think. She didn't know how to hunt at all, had never tried by herself...so her good pelt color didn't even really matter. It had never occurred to her that she should learn how to hunt for herself; her mother had always brought her food to her, and had told her that hunting wasn't something that she wanted her daughter to learn. She wanted her to learn how to tend to the den and look for other, small things to eat. Something about hunting being the male's work. Her father had gone out for very long hunting trips, sometimes for a week at a time before he would bring any food back. And her mother would refuse to go out and hunt.

The coyote was attempting something today, something that she had never tried in the past. Scouting. Back at home, she had never been allowed to leave the den. But here in Inferni, they let her do whatever she liked. They even encouraged her to go out on her own. She watched the borderline with intensity, waiting for something to come across it. Then she would pounce!

She sat on a raised bit of land surrounded by trees, waiting. Then...there it was! The youngster prepared to pounce, spotting the little bit of orange through the trees. She lept out from her hiding place, heading straight for them.


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