I'm coming down fast but I'm miles above you
If you want Savina to lash out at Hybrid and wound one of his legs, that'd be good, that way he's incapable of chasing Apollo too far? Big Grin (Pick a leg, any leg!)

It had worked. Hybrid was a little angry he felt surprised at this (after all, he was the one who should be winning, not the one bleeding and damn well losing), but at the same time, he realized this wolf was the strongest opponent he had fought to date. No one else had given him such a hard time or made a simple victory (a simple collision) worth celebrating. Hybrid wasn't sure if this should make him angry (for she was a wolf) or elated (for this was one of the most exciting fights he had been involved in) or just bloodthirsty. Hybrid decided to opt for the latter -- it sounded more... exciting. And rewarding.

He heard her cough, and began to ready himself for another attack. He knew it was coming, knew one of them would move eventually, he could feel it, the next instance of blood, dripping, dripping, DRIPPINGDRIPPING. Hybrid grinned in reply to the girl's hacking coughs, laughing along with her. Perhaps he should attack while she was unawares. Perhaps not.

Hybrid watched her for a few more moments, then began to move closer, picking up speed in a few quick steps, and then, no, stop. He flinched as he felt a blade whip past him, felt the air shift as it passed him and lodged itself in the ground. For a moment, Hybrid was silent, then snarling. He sought out the person who had interrupted their fight, the bastard who had dared interrupt this. Hybrid stood there for a moment, growling madly. Just as quickly, he was off, after the white wolf who had thrown the knife, ready to end his life in a flash.


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