does it make you happy you're so strange?

Ember hadn't seen Savina for a while, but she knew her scent very well. She had snuck into Crimson Dreams' lands enough times to smell the leader's scent over and over and over again. It was very familiar to her. She didn't know the dark wolf too well, but the scent gave her a nice building block. She could remember that they'd had a nice conversation the last time that she had met her, all those months ago in Crimson Dreams.

The AniWaya wolf hadn't gone to see Naniko for a while, preferring to seek out Bane for her medical needs. She thought that the white mother's habits were a little strange...being mated to another female and raising her pups with her. It didn't make sense to her. Why would Naniko want to be with a female when there were plenty of males around? She didn't want to get involved in that, so she'd kept away.

But she had no problem with Savina. Maybe she could hear about Naniko through her, without actually having to talk to the Commander. "I ran into a little one from your pack a month or so ago...Mati, I think. How have you all been doing?"


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