I try my best to be guarded
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cakeIf she didn't discriminate, that was at least one of them who didn't. Bane himself, before being forced to make his trek back to his birthplace, had considered wolves the very top of the food chain, above all others, all the lower creatures who would have him deign to waste his time on them. He had only changed now because he was adaptable, and recognised the importance of fitting in with ones' surroundings. A whale was a different matter; a whale was a creature who existed in a world Bane wouldn't be able to visit for excessive periods of time. Nonetheless, he smiled at the girl, looking down at her briefly. "I imagine he does," he stated. "You'll have to introduce us one day."

cakeAt her question, the dark wolf glanced around and nodded towards an area that was clear of trees. The snow was pristine white, and the ground was marred only by a few bushes. "If you can get around him, guide him towards that area. I've got a good enough vantage point from here, I'll be able to catch up. If he decides to turn, I can startle him with the spear." In the distance, he could barely see the animal now, sniffing at the ground as it moved along. Looking at the weaker-minded prey animal only confirmed Bane's view of the world. They, the wolves, were the dominant ones, and killing was wholly necessary. He didn't fool himself, though: one day, they too, just like the humans before them, would fall. He only hoped (as unlikely as it was) to be alive to see it.


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