does it make you happy you're so strange?
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Homophobe! And she should ask about the scars anyway Tongue

Ebony bushy tail swept the snow beneath it, making a little indent in the pristine white powder. It was good to finally see Ember again. They had only met the one time, but she had help Savina learn how to shift. For that, she would always be grateful to the younger female. "Oh, yeah? Mati's a little sweetheart. We've all been doing...pretty well." She paused to look at her legs. The cuts and bites were more or less healed, but her fur had yet to cover the ugly scars. Surely the other girl noticed. But unless she brought it up, the Lt. General was content to not talk about it. "What about you? What's this place?" At least there was one familiar face in this new pack.

Her ears twitched as a thought struck her. Of course! Ember was Kansas', and now her own, sister. Savina wondered if she knew that she had been involved with her lighter sibling. Kansas hadn't mentioned seeing her lately, but she didn't track her mate's every move either. "I don't know if you know or not, but we're kind of sisters now." She could feel the familiar flushing of her cheeks. "Kansas asked me to be his mate not too long ago." Now that she had met Iskata, the only direct family member she hadn't met was his other sister.


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